Coding Style

No empty newlines in all parts of the code


Use Visual Studio defaults - Follow MSDN C# Coding Conventions where possible except if specified below.

  • Use var when creating a new object, specify type otherwise

    var x = new List<string, string>();
    var x = new Foo();
    Bar x = Foo.GetBar();
    Bar x = Foo.Bar;
    Bar x = Foo.SomeObject;
  • Use explicit instantiation when creating flat arrays

    var x = new string[] {'foo', 'bar'};
  • Prefer using keywords when performing LINQ. Always wrap in parentheses

    var style = (from foo in bar where foo.baz = "foobaz" select foo.qux)

HTML and Javascript

Follow Google HTML/CSS Style Guide where possible except if specified below.

Always tabs over spaces

Any theme objects that do not have a defined API must go under snowflake.theme.heap Avoid node.js when theming. Only snowflake.js may use node.js. Do not expose anything to the global scope. Instead expose under snowflake.theme.heap

HTML id properties must be camelCase. Class names must be separated with a hyphen.

Polymer exposed attributes and bound properties must be camelCase. Polymer(); must be invoked inline. CSS for a Web Component must be contained inline in a single <style> element. Polymer elements must be done declaratively and available as an HTML import.

Do not use vendor prefixes at all, besides -webkit if nescessary.